Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Downpour Parkour. Semaine 9

Doznpour Pqrkour

Bonjour fro, Côte dùIviore1 Zeek ç zqs greqt here in Vridi &1 Itùs been zonderful serving here; I couldnùt hqve qsked for q better situqtion: ?y co,pqnion is q,qwing; the food is good; the people qre nice; qnd the spirit is o,nipresent: ?y French is still in its infqncy stqges; but itùs getting better:

(The entire email continued like this, french keyboards are set up differently. Elder Lyman said that "whoever designed the french keyboard is my mortal enemy." So we have taken the time to try and fix the errors to make his email easier to read. Numbers were the hardest to figure out.)
(Also, he abbreviates Frère as Fr, which translates to Brother. Sr is Soeur, which translates to Sister)

Bonjour from Côte d'Iviore! Week 9 was great here in Vridi 1! It's been wonderful serving here. I couldn't have asked for a better situation. My companion is amazing, the food is good, the people are nice, and the Spirit is omnipresent. My French is still in it's infancy stages, but it's getting better.

I had my first encounter with a Catholic pastor on Wednesday. Elder Kalala and I have been teaching Fr Boliga for a while, and he seemed ready to be baptized. I extended the invitation but then the pastor Desirai, he’s Fr Boliga's friend, got upset asking why we are trying to force him to be baptized when he’s already been baptized and force him to join our church. Elder Kalala thankfully took control of the situation and tried to explain stuff about the priesthood. But it was difficult. While they were conversing Fr Boliga and I were just kind of sitting there looking at the ground. Fr Boliga was because he’s a mild mannered guy and looked like he really didn’t want to be there while those two bantered, and I was because I don’t like contention. But mostly because I can’t speak French. About an hour later the discussion finally relaxed and we made an appointment to meet with pastor Desirai another day. Wild experience.

On Friday we were taught Sr Cynthia. We taught her about the doctrine of Christ and it went very well. After we finished we had to wait probably an extra 40 minutes to leave because it was raining. By the time the storm passed it was dark. Quick sidenote, all of the neighborhoods here have very narrow cement corridors that lead to people’s homes. The alley that Sr Cynthia’s house was connected to was completely full of 6 inch deep water. I had to jump off of the cement wall and people’s doorsteps. In missionary clothes. While carrying a bag. In the dark. It was wild. When we finally got out of the corridor and caught our breath we quickly noticed that the street was full of huge puddles and streams as well. The sand field where people normally play soccer? You couldn’t play soccer unless you wanted to be knee deep in water. It took us an extra 20 minutes to get to the apartment, just to avoid the random reservoirs that had formed because of the rain. When we got back to the apartment we were exhausted. Almost entirely due to the corridor parkour.

On Saturday we had a baptismal service! While Elder Kalala and I were waiting in the stick pavilion for it to start Sr Kelly, Sr Marie Eva, Sr Kelly’s younger twin sisters (Princess and ?) and a bunch of other little kids gathered around me. They started to feel my hair and touch my hands (you know how if you press your skin hard it leaves a little white aftermark(?)) and looking at my eyes. While they were doing that they tried to talk to me but I could only understand a little bit. It was a fun experience. Little kids are the best.

Anyways, the service started and Elder Kalala baptized Sr Kelly (she’s about 10, I think). She’s in our area and we’d talked with her a bit. She’s really nice. After that I baptized Sr Marie Eva (she just barely turned 8. She’s so awesome. She always has so much energy) Her full name is way long so I had to read it off of a paper to remember (Fae Lou Ruth Marie Eva). Thankfully I remembered the rest of the ordinance even though it was in French. It was a wonderful experience.

Other interesting things…

I went to Burger King and got a whopper on Thursday. It was super expensive for a relatively small burger. Sorry to say this, but it definitely wasn’t worth it...
I bought a couple things at the market next to Burger King, including off-brand Nutella  (Yes I know how anti-Nutella I was at home. I’ve finally given in).

I’ve developed an exercise schedule for the mornings. We don’t have a weight set so I have to lift the propane tank by the front door instead.

I still eat about one meal a day and it’s almost always the chicken rice tomato sauce meal. Imma call it CRTS. We eat a lot of CRTS.

We ate at the branch president’s house again on Sunday. They make such good food for us. This time they had aloco (sp?) which is fried plantains, peanut stew, and oranges. It was way good. Sidenote - so in Africa they eat everything, including the bones and skin of animals... So I’ve had to do that a lot. Except for fish bones. I can’t bring myself to do that. Anyways, at the branch president’s house I ended up eating crab with the peanut sauce. But I also ate the crab shell too. So weird. Would not recommend.

For fans of the Lego movie I recently found a scripture that says “masterbuilder” (1 Cor. 3:10) haha. You’re welcome.

Today we played soccer for an hour or two at one of the nearby sand fields. I have never sweat more in my life than I did there. Also, I got absolutely destroyed by the other team. Mostly because my skill level is far far below theirs, haha.

Among other experiences that I can’t remember. But anyways, it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty.

On Thursday. I had my monthly meeting with President Lewis. I am so grateful for every opportunity that I get to meet with him. He has a very strong spiritual atmosphere about him and I can tell that he sincerely cares for the missionaires. Anyways, he shared a  scripture with me that has helped me a lot these past couple days.

“Behold, I speak unto you, and also to all those who have desires to bring forth and establish this work;
“And no one can assist in this work except he shall be humble and full of love, having faith, hope, and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be entrusted to his care.” (D&C 12:7&8)

After the meeting I waited outside President Lewis' office while Elder Kalala met with him. I was left with time to ponder that scripture. The scripture applies not only to Joseph Knight, who the revelation was initially for, but it says that it also applies to all that have desires to serve. It says that no one can assist in the work unless they have those traits. I decided to look into Christlike attributes.

When I returned to the apartment that night I spent probably two hours researching and reading about Christlike attributes. I eventually decided to work on charity. It’s the attribute that I felt most inclined to work on. Preach My Gospel describes it very well as does Moroni. There’s a lot of content there so I’ll narrow it down to a few nuggets.
“When you are filled with charity you obey God’s commandments and do all you can to serve others and help them receive the restored gospel. You will develop charity as you look for opportunities to serve others and give of yourself.” (PMG “Charity and Love.” pg 124)

“But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; And whoso is found with it at the last day, it shall be well with him. 
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with his love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him.” (Moroni 7:47-48)

Charity is the pure love of Christ. He loved us so much that He willingly suffered for every one of our sins and experienced every affliction that any of us can go through. No other demonstration of charity and love can come even close to comparison with what Jesus did for us. The physical, emotional, and spiritual agony that he went through in the garden of Gethsemane is inconceivable. As he was suffering he said -

“O my father, if it be possible let this cup pass from me, nevertheless not my will but thine be done.” (Matt 26:39 & Luke 22:42)

The love and selflessness that he has for us is beyond all comprehension. And shortly after that. He was scourged, mocked, spat upon, and eventually crucified. Possibly the most excruciating form of human torture designed (1Nephi 19:9). What purpose would any being have to go through such unbearable agony and torture other than pure, infinite, selfless love? I can’t begin to understand the depth of charity.

Every day I wear a name tag that has His name engraved in big white letters. I have been set apart and ordained to be a representative of Him. That means I have to act as he would, too. I know I can’t go through the same things he did, but I can do my best to represent Him and do His work here in Côte d’Ivoire.

That night after studying I prayed sincerely that I could have or start to develop charity. The next day, Friday, was the happiest day I’ve had on my mission so far. Nothing too terribly exciting happened, I was just full of happy energy throughout the day. I really feel like God blessed me with a small taste of what charity feels like. I want to always have that feeling with me. Here’s what I wrote in one of my journals after studying.
“For me, charity is acting as Christ would. Loving everyone. Ceasing to do or think evil. And lose ourselves in the service of others.”

I will strive to become like my Savior by serving with all my might, mind, heart, and strength. I will do my best to love everyone and have charity. I will be what he wants me to be.

Sorry, that was a lot. I wish I could’ve written this much content in any of my essays during high school. Anyways. I hope you are doing well. I miss you guys! Love ya!

- Elder Lyman

Congolese fufu with soup. Elder Kasaou is such a good cook, he makes stuff for us all the time.

Here's how you eat it: you grab a blob of it with your hand, squish it around until it's in a little ball, kinda swish it around in the sauce, then eat it whole. It's kinda wild. They use just their hands to eat a lot of food here.

The catholic church right next to us that always plays super loud music.

Me standing in front of the sign outside the wall of our church


The entrance to our church building


The chapel. You can see the sacrament table to the left. It’s really small. We usually have about 50  people attend sacrament meeting each week.

The backyard of our church building. There’s crabs all over in the back. And there used to be a wasp nest in the stick pavilion. The ocean is just on the other side of the back wall.
The street on the way to the church. By far one of the nicest roads here.
Elder Kalala, Soeur Kelly, Soeur Marie Eva and me before the baptism. For some reason the people here don’t like to smile in pictures. And Soeur Kelly is very shy.
Us with their member families. The two little girls in the front are the twins. They’re so cute
Us and a ton of random people that wanted to be in the picture too.
Elder Kalala, Sr Marie Eva and me.
Acheke with fish and spicy sauce and fried bananas (aloco(?)). Way way way good.

The stove we cook on, and the propane tank that it uses (to the left). Someday we get to take the tanks to market to fill them.

More info...
It's actually not very hot here. It gets sweaty in the sun and in peoples' apartments cuz they usually don't have fans, but other than that, it's pleasant.
Soccer is everywheeeeeeeere... The Africans' soccer everything is awesome, they're pros with passing and footwork and really anything. And it's all anyone does here.

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