Well, I made it here safe and sound. All of my bags arrived here without
any hassle. My Ritz crackers are still intact. ;) The first plane ride
was very long, but thankfully I slept through most of it. It was hard
not to watch Endgame on the screen next to me. I got off the plane and
met up with the remaining elders in Amsterdam. We got on the plane and
flew for the next 6 hours to Accra. This plane ride wasn't as light. I
had a window seat again but a guy that didn't speak English was there so
I just took the middle seat. It was a good nonetheless. I read through a
good portion of Alma where he and Amulek are teaching the Nephites.

When we landed in Accra, the humidity was VERY present, but thankfully
it wasn't too hot, as it was 8pm here. Me and the other 30 or so
missionaries from the states went through customs. As we approached the
officers that let us through, I realized they were asking for yellow
fever cards. I checked my bag and... couldn't find it. THAT was really
stressful. Eventually after checking it for a third time, it was safe
and sound in the pocket I had initially put it in, oddly enough. I
decided that was my first little miracle of this amazing journey that I
have started.

When we got to the MTC, we were warmly welcomed by the 3
week missionaries here. We had a brief orientation and got our first
companions. My companion is Elder Summers. He's from Idaho, and he seems
really cool. I'm looking forward to the next little bit in the MTC with
him. We share our room with two other elders (Whose names I can't
remember yet, I'm terrible with names), but they seem really cool. The African elder, he's from Ghana, everyone calls him "the president." He is
really cool.
It's so crazy that I'm here doing this.
Just a couple days ago it seemed like a distant mystical trip, but here
we are, preparing to serve the people of Ivory Coast. It's such a
Love you all!
-Elder Lyman
Hi, This is Don & Cathy Bennett. Rand Bennett is Don's oldest child. Shelley & Brenley came to Canada to visit us in Raymond Alberta and Rand's mother (Cardston, Alberta)today. A quick trip but deeply appreciated!!! They went on to see "NaNa (Darlene)in Cardston, Alberta, Canada with stickers, crochet flowers & (we hope) happy memories!!! Brenley put your email on our laptop thinking you might like some emails. We have served several missions and we KNOW THAT WITH YOUR POSITIVE ATTITUDE = YOU WILL BE A WONDERFUL BLESSING TO THE PEOPLE FOR THE LORD!!! Remember the hard times teach us as much as the good times do!!! God Bless, you will be in our prayers, Don & Cathy Bennett